Com fotos históricas, números e até frases de famosos, a Fifa homenageou Pelé pelos seus 80 anos de vida, nesta sexta-feira. Em seu site, a entidade máxima do futebol mundial reconheceu a importância do "Rei" e não poupou elogios ao que o brasileiro fez pela modalidade dentro e fora de campo.
#Pele80 #ORei80
%u2014 FIFA World Cup (@FIFAWorldCup) October 23, 2020
%uD83C%uDFB8 %uD83E%uDDE4 %uD83E%uDE92 %uD83C%uDFCA%u200D%u2642%u200D %uD83E%uDD23 %uD83C%uDF7D%uFE0F %uD83D%uDC68%u200D%uD83C%uDF73 Playing the guitar, playing in goal, getting a shave, having fun with Garrincha & Robert F. Kennedy, eating with family, cooking... we look at some of the best photos of a young @Pele %uD83D%uDC51
%uD83C%uDF82 When you're 80 years old and still the King %uD83D%uDC51#FridayFeeling | @Pele | #Pele80 | #ORei80
%u2014 FIFA World Cup (@FIFAWorldCup) October 23, 2020
#Pele80 #ORei80
%u2014 FIFA World Cup (@FIFAWorldCup) October 23, 2020
%uD83D%uDDE3%uFE0F To honour @Pele, FIFA spoke to countless football legends about him. Here are some of the best comments, coupled with some of standout quotes about 'The King' throughout history from @NelsonMandela, @MickJagger & others
%uD83E%uDD1D Promises
%u2014 FIFA World Cup (@FIFAWorldCup) October 23, 2020
%uD83D%uDCD9 Stories
%uD83D%uDD22 Stats
%uD83D%uDD1A A sacking
%uD83D%uDD17 A double act
%uD83C%uDFBC Music
%uD83C%uDFAC Movies
%uD83D%uDCF8 Fame
%uD83D%uDE4F A thank you
%uD83D%uDC51 They all feature as we pay tribute to the incomparable @Pele on his 80th birthday#HBD #Pele80 #ORei80
%uD83D%uDC1F @SantosFC | @CBF_Futebol %uD83C%uDDE7%uD83C%uDDF7